Sunday, July 24, 2011

Recently Mozilla announced its new sign-in system "BrowserID" which is an experimental new way of signing into websites similar to OpenID.
Mozilla's goal with BrowserID is to design something safe and easy for users and the developers.
Here is what Mozilla says about BrowserID:
For a Web developer, creating a new application always involves an annoying hurdle: how do users sign in? An email address with a confirmation step is the classic method, but it demands a user’s time and requires the user to take an extra step and remember another password. Outsourcing login and identity management to large providers like Facebook, Twitter, or Google is an option, but these products also come with lock-in, reliability issues, and data privacy concerns.
With BrowserID, there is a better way to sign in. BrowserID implements the /verified email protocol/, which offers a streamlined user experience. A user can prove their ownership of an email address with fewer confirmation messages and without site-specific passwords.

Following are a few interesting features of BrowserID:
Easy to Use:
Users gain a streamlined one-click experience that feels the same on any site they visit. Developers save time by deploying BrowserID, eliminating the need to implement email verification.
BrowserID implements the Verified Email Protocol, which is designed with security in mind. Sites get proof of ownership using public key cryptography—but don't worry, Mozilla has a verification service so you can get started without writing a single line of crypto code.
BrowserID will work on all modern browsers, including recent versions of IE, and on mobile browsers!
Anyone with an email address can sign in with BrowserID, and email providers can implement BrowserID support to make the system even easier for their users.
Respects User Privacy:
Unlike other sign-in systems, BrowserID does not leak information back to any server (not even to the BrowserID servers) about which sites a user visits.
BrowserID is highly experimental atm. To get started check out:
What do you think of this new sign-in system? Would you use it when a website implements it? Please post your opinion in your comment...

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